Over the last dozen years, travel has ceaselessly woven itself into the fabric of my identity, becoming an irreplaceable chapter of my life’s narrative. Those dozen years also correspond with the time of my sobriety after a long battle with alcoholism. As I reflect on this time, I am acutely aware of the immense role travel has played in shaping the person I am today – a metamorphosis that defines the second act of my life.

Global travel was not something I embarked on in my youth. Missteps and wayward choices kept me shackled, ensnared in the confines of my hometown. A late entrant to the world of travel, I owe my introduction to this transformative experience to my dear friend and current business associate, Joseph Morgan. As I stumbled through life, grappling with challenging decisions, Joe was out there, traversing the globe, discovering himself, and accumulating wisdom.

Our inaugural voyage together took place in 2013 – a captivating adventure to Thailand, with a brief detour through Cambodia. It’s been nine years since that journey, but the memory of stepping off the plane remains etched in my mind as vividly as if it were yesterday. Those three weeks of exploration, immersion in diverse cultures, and witnessing lives so different from my own sparked an insatiable thirst for travel in me.

Joe and I embarked on several more international trips, each augmenting my perspective and enriching my understanding of the world. In 2015, another significant person entered my life —my future wife. Our shared wanderlust and dreams of exploring the world led us to plan our first joint adventure to India. Despite the potential stress and intensity of traveling in a place like India, we found ourselves confessing our love for one another during a challenging trek in the majestic Himalayas.

Fast forward to this past March, and we introduced our 10-month-old son, Miles, to the joy of travel. Amanda and I had previously journeyed to Puerto Rico while she was pregnant. Sharing the experience with Miles was not just a replay but an enhanced, more meaningful version of our previous trip. The joy of witnessing the world through his eyes held a promise of countless adventures we hope to embark on as our family grows.

The influence of travel on my life is multifaceted yet synergistic. It has broadened my worldview, honing my empathy and offering insights into regions I could previously only imagine. It has made me a better global citizen and more aware of our world’s diversity, struggles, and beauty.

Now, stepping into the roles of a husband and a new father, I am eager to collaborate with Joe to share the transformative power of travel. Our goal is to inspire others, to ignite the spark that might lead them on their journey of self-discovery, growth, and, ultimately, a better understanding of this fascinating world we all share. Through our stories, we hope to convey the essence of travel – an experience that goes beyond sightseeing and delves into self-exploration, empathy, and personal growth. In doing so, I wish to pass on the gift of travel – the gift that has reshaped my life.